Celebrate Recovery


Do you have a hurt in your life that’s robbing you of peace? Or, a habit that is crippling your life and relationships? You're not alone. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery ministry. This ministry celebrates God’s power in our lives by providing tools to help discover serenity and healing through Jesus Christ.

Life hurts. God heals.

Celebrate Recovery provides separate groups for men and women that are safe and confidential to cope with many different life issues—including anger, anxiety, worry, alcohol or drug dependency, grief, pornography, food struggles, controlling behaviors, codependency, depression, body image issues and helps victims of abuse, plus more.

Every Friday night :

6:30 pm Due to Covid we are not serving food or beverages at this time.

7:00 pm Music worship & lesson or testimony

8:00 pm Open Share Men's & Women's Groups

Celebrate Recovery is for adults 18 and older. 

When We Meet
